Full of amazing facts about our wonderful world, Totally Gross helps kids absorb and understand all of the major scientific disciplines. How? We know the secret; science is really fun, and gross! Kids travel around the game board answering questions and engaging in antics. The first player to stretch his/her Totally Gross Slime 10 point spaces and complete a lab experiment correctly wins the game! Contents include 1 Die, 1 Game Board, 4 Playing Pieces, 1 Jar of Totally Gross Slime, 140 Question Cards, 50 Gross Out Cards, and 30 Lab Cards. For 2-4 players. Ages 8 and up.
Learn as you travel around the game board answering queasy questions.
Full of action and information, it’s an educational game they’ll actually enjoy
Ages 8 and up
Includes a game board, 110 Question cards, 50 Gross-Out cards, 30 Lab cards, a die and a jar of slime. For 2 to 4 players.