Add a burst of airy, soft colors to your classroom with this jobs mini bulletin board that is sure to be a standout. The set includes titles for Calendar, Clean-Up Crew, Lights, Line Leader, Messenger, Papers, Pencils, Supplies, and Teacher’s Helper plus blank pieces that you can customize. Includes 16 star accents.
Jobs mini bulletin board that is sure to be a standout for any classroom or daycare
64 total pieces.
Features: 1 classroom jobs title piece, 9 title job signs (Line Leader, Papers, Pencils, Messenger, Clean-Up Crew, Supplies, Teacher’s Helper, Lights, Calendar), 4 blank job signs, 34 rainbows for student names, 6 star accents and 10 shooting star accents, and a Bulletin Board Guide with suggestions and activities
Shiny, protective coating plus Teacher’s guide