Black, Gray, Cyan, Light Blue, Blue, Purple, Violet, Pink, Red, Orange, Coral, Salmon, Yellow, Light Green, Pine Green, Green, Olive Green, Brown, Wood, Maroon

Showing all 2 results

  • SKU: BAZ1265

    FINE LINE WASHABLE MARKERS: Fine, durable tips are great for precise, detailed coloring in small areas of intricate designs
    ZIP CLOSURE BAG STORAGE: Feature zip closure on the bag for convenient storage. A perfect gift for kids to carry during the holiday travel. Excellent for coloring, drawing and writing
    QUICK DRY & SMEAR FREE: Dries quickly and doesn’t bleed through most paper including thin papers; smear and smudge free.
    WASH & CARE: These water color markers are water-based and safe for children. Most clothing can be washed in warm or hot water.

  • SKU: BAZ1265-12

    FINE LINE WASHABLE MARKERS: Fine, durable tips are great for precise, detailed coloring in small areas of intricate designs
    ZIP CLOSURE BAG STORAGE: Feature zip closure on the bag for convenient storage. A perfect gift for kids to carry during the holiday travel. Excellent for coloring, drawing and writing
    QUICK DRY & SMEAR FREE: Dries quickly and doesn’t bleed through most paper including thin papers; smear and smudge free.
    WASH & CARE: These water color markers are water-based and safe for children. Most clothing can be washed in warm or hot water.