Simple text and color photographs describe the units and tools used to measure Measurement is an essential life skill and its never too early to begin learning Fun, real-world examples For ages 3-6
My neighborhood is a special place where people come together Large images and simple text explain the varied things found in a neighborhood People, places, signs, transportation, and safety are all parts of any community Join us to find out all of the fun things you can find in your neighborhood
The books in this series provide a perfect introduction to seasons for early readers Each title focuses on what children will be able to see and experience in a particular season, A quiz at the end of each book helps to consolidate learning Beautiful photos, very simple repeated text
Solar System contains the most up to date space information, engaging photos, and dynamic charts This set also holds clues to how the solar system began Informational text Set is part of the Accelerated Reader program
Students are introduced to the main systems of the human body Readers learn more about people who are differently abled including blind, deaf, use wheelchairs or, have leg braces Easy-to-understand language and full-page photos Each title contains a 4D video for more information